Teeth Whitening

Over time, teeth lose their natural whiteness for many reasons, such as aging, tea, coffee, red wine, cola, and tobacco.

Certain medications may cause discoloration while the teeth are forming.

As the enamel (top layer of the tooth) wears down, the dentin (dark layer underneath) becomes more apparent and gives the appearance of darker teeth.

Tooth whitening is currently one of the most sought-after treatments in our office and the general dental field.

Philips Zoom

We offer Philips Zoom Whitening, which can lighten teeth up to 8 shades brighter depending on the enamel.

Phillips Zoom WhiteSpeed is one of the fastest ways to create brighter, healthier smiles that patients always want to show off.

WhiteSpeed’s light-accelerated technology speeds up the whitening process, delivering dramatic results with just one office visit.


How long does teeth whitening take?

This depends on the method you use. If you visit a teeth whitening dentist in Toronto, then you may require about two to three visits. After the in-office treatments are complete, you will need to continue at-home treatments, which can take anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour for anywhere from two to four weeks or as instructed by your dentist.

Does tooth whitening affect fillings, veneers, or crowns?

No, whitening does not hamper any other treatment such as veneer, crowns, of filing but you might need to change it to match with whitened teeth. So you might need the new ones after teeth whitening procedure.

How long does professional teeth whitening last?

Professional teeth whitening should last anywhere between six months to one year. It is not a permanent solution, and it does require regular care such as routine dental visits and brushing your teeth on a regular basis. You should also try to avoid certain foods and drinks, such as tea and coffee, which can stain your teeth.

Does whitening damage teeth?

No, whitening does not damage your teeth without any reason under the supervision of your dentist.

Is tooth whitening bad for enamel?

No, teeth whitening does not impact your enamel or have any negative effect.

Can I brush my teeth after whitening?

Yes, you should absolutely brush your teeth after having them whitened. Try using a tooth whitening toothpaste with a high concentration of fluoride to help keep the stains away.


Contact Details

ELITE DENTAL GROUP, 1249 W. Glenoaks Blvd Glendale, CA 91201

(818) 649-1772

ELITE DENTAL GROUP, 17800 Chatsworth St Granada hills, CA 91344

(818) 391-0000

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday:      8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Saturday:                 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sunday:                    Closed

Contact Details

ELITE DENTAL GROUP, 1249 W. Glenoaks Blvd Glendale, CA 91201

(818) 649-1772

Post Address: 1249 W. Glenoaks Blvd Glendale, CA 91201

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday:      8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Saturday:                 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sunday:                    Closed