Wisdom tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last to emerge, usually between age 17 and 21.

In most cases, the jaw cannot accommodate the extra molars, resulting in the wisdom teeth staying beneath the gum tissue.

Since there is no space or a path for eruption, wisdom teeth may become impacted, causing chronic pain, and crowing issues.

The simplest way to solve the problem is to remove them; the sooner it happens, the smoother the procedure.


Tooth Extraction

Tooth extractions are most common for wisdom tooth removal since the growth of wisdom teeth may cause overcrowding and tooth misalignment.

Wisdom teeth may also become impacted or stuck inside your gums without erupting or growing into your mouth. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain, infections, and cysts that damage other teeth.

For this reason, it may be advisable to extract wisdom teeth before they negatively affect your dental health.

If you have been experiencing sensitivity or discomfort around the impacted teeth, now may be a good time to schedule an appointment.

Additionally, if there is infection around the gums, damage to the adjacent teeth, and cysts around the jawbone, it is important to address the matter as quickly as possible.

At Elite Dental Group, we use panoramic X-rays and CT scans to see how close the tooth is to the nerve and whether it is fully impacted, partially erupted, or fully erupted. We can take care of the case.


Why do I need to get my wisdom teeth out?

You need to remove your wisdom teeth as sometimes there is not enough room in the mouth for them. The third molars can overcrowd the mouth and push the teeth out of alignment. Removing the wisdom teeth may be more beneficial before all the first and second molars grow.

How Long Does It Take To Recover?

The average patient recovers from wisdom tooth surgery in about 3-5 days, but everyone is different. The best way to ensure your healing process is to follow the post-operative instructions you’ll get after surgery.

What Side Effects Should I Watch For?

If your pain or swelling worsens after 5-10 days, you may have a dry socket. This occurs when the blood clot over the extraction site is knocked loose, exposing nerves and bone. Do not smoke, use a straw, or spit forcefully to avoid this happening.

How long Until I Can Eat Normally?

Start with clear liquids and slowly progress to soft foods as you feel up to it. You can eat regular foods after the second or third day of surgery.

How Many Days Should I Expect To Be Out of Work/School?

Since every wisdom tooth patient differs, the number of days you’ll have to take off depends on how quickly you recover. We recommend giving yourself three days off before returning to school or work. Holidays and summer vacations are ideal times to schedule surgery.

Can I Brush My Teeth After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

On the first day, gently rinse with salt water to clean the extraction site. After the first 24 hours, you can return to regular teeth brushing and taking extra care around the extraction sites.


Contact Details

ELITE DENTAL GROUP, 1249 W. Glenoaks Blvd Glendale, CA 91201

(818) 649-1772

ELITE DENTAL GROUP, 17800 Chatsworth St Granada hills, CA 91344

(818) 391-0000

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday:      8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Saturday:                 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sunday:                    Closed

Contact Details

ELITE DENTAL GROUP, 1249 W. Glenoaks Blvd Glendale, CA 91201

(818) 649-1772

Post Address: 1249 W. Glenoaks Blvd Glendale, CA 91201

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday:      8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Saturday:                 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sunday:                    Closed