Importance of Oral Health
Oral health is very important in the life of a person. It proves to be a key indicator of overall health. If the care is not taken seriously, it can result in many dental problems like cavities, gum disease, bad breath, and even tooth loss. Good oral health not only lessen the chances of various dental problems but can also decrease the risk of numerous problems like stroke, heart attack, poorly controlled diabetes, preterm labour, etc. With the help of some dental facts, a person can prevent such issues, out of which some of them are given below.
Importance of Oral Health
Oral Health Tips
- Oral diseases are considered as one of the common non-communicable diseases that can affect people till the end of their life by causing discomfort, pain, disfigurement and even death.
- A healthy diet is responsible for decreasing the chances of developing gum diseases. A poor diet that contains sugary liquids and foods can proceed towards cavities.
- It is better to opt for a toothbrush that seems to be fit according to the shape of your mouth so that you can brush with a comfortable touch. Correct brushing with a combination of tongue cleaning plays a role in cleaning the bacteria which have taken place to encourage dental problems. Regarding toothpaste, it is better to go for a company whose ingredients contain fluoride and antimicrobials that can reduce plaque and gingivitis.
- Acid development from bacterial plaque arrives most dramatically after 15-20 minutes of eating that can contribute towards tooth decay. Rinsing the mouth with water after eating food is one of the good habits for good oral hygiene.
- Almost 60-90% of school children all over the world suffer from dental cavities. It becomes the duty of parents to take care of their kid right from the appearance of their first teeth. Such dental problems can affect their attention towards studies. That is why try to look after their teeth and assist them to teach about how to brush till they learn it completely.
- Severe gum (periodontal) disease that can result in tooth loss was estimated as the 11th most prevalent disease across the globe.
- Between-meal snacking may result in tooth decay. In order to take care of your oral health, it will be ideal if you take nutritious snacks that contain low sugar and do not uplift the chances of tooth decay. Things like raw carrots, apples, and hard cheese contain natural cleansing action on the teeth which makes them good snack food choices.
- Fluoride is supposed to be one of the important tools that fight against tooth decay. We do not see the presence of it only in toothpaste but is also found in community water supplies and private wells as well.
- People with the incompetence of the cardiac valves, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, HIV or other immune diseases are more susceptible to oral and dental problems.
- The incidence of oral cancer like cancer of the lip and oral cavity in some Asian-Pacific countries is within the top 3 of all cancers.
Oral Health Awareness
Doesn’t matter what the age of a person is, prevention is one of the keys to maintain good oral health. Awareness about such things is needed among people so that they could save themselves from different problems.
People need to know about things like tooth decay, dentures, implants, dry mouth, etc. so that awareness will be made inside their minds about oral health.
- At the time of the initial three decades of a person’s life, the primary cause of tooth loss is decay. After a person comes into the middle 30s to late 50s, periodontal or gum disease is discovered. When a person passes the age of 60, tooth decay becomes the major cause of tooth loss.
- Implants can be described as a permanent replacement where some of the top reasons for tooth loss leading to implant placement were tooth decay, periodontal disease, violence, accidents or injuries. Dental implants can facilitate proper chewing. Along with that, they provide the feel of natural teeth and produce self-confidence among a person with improved speech and appearance. If teeth is missing and there is a need to replace it due to decay or fracture, the replacement is possible without affecting the adjacent teeth, making it easier to brush and floss.
- Dry mouth is a condition that is not to be taken lightly by any means. Lack of saliva in the mouth can create a lot of discomforts and lead towards some extremely negative impacts on a quality life. When a person faces a dry mouth, there comes an increased risk of cavities along with periodontal diseases as there is less saliva to clean both the teeth and gums. It will eventually affect the taste sensation, speech and ability to swallow. When the salivary glands decrease the development of saliva or cease the production altogether, there are higher risks of getting cavities or some other oral problems.
Saliva works as a self-cleansing mechanism of the mouth and helps in removing food debris and plaque from the surface of the teeth. It can happen due to numerous things. But one of the best ways to prevent dry mouth is to drink an adequate amount of water in a day to keep the mouth wet so that the saliva will be formed and protect the mouth from different things.
Tips For Preventing Tooth Decay
Cavities or tooth decay can make an adverse effect on your dental health. Some measures are there by which a person can keep away from dental caries or tooth decay.
- Brushing daily for at least two times with toothpaste that have an appearance of fluoride is a good option to advance for. Also, try to drink water that contains fluoride.
- Frequent between-meal eating is responsible for exposing the teeth to a constant acid assault, so try to limit snacks of any type.
- Making a limit of starches in the diet can help in preventing tooth decay as it creates an acid surrounding in the mouth.
- Make a visit to the dentist’s office once in every six months for a dental exam to save yourself from cavities as well as other problems.