11 Every day Brushing Habits that Damage Your Gums and Teeth

I think you will agree with me when I say:

Poor Oral Hygiene can lead to other diseases like cardiovascular, gingivitis, bacterial infection, gum diseases, Plaque, Tooth loss, etc.

Most of us like to brush our teeth in the morning, and many people habitually do the same at night. But this practice is not particularly essential for maintaining a healthy mouth.
Even there can be some bad habits that you are performing on a regular basis, some of which you suppose are favorable.

To get the cleanest mouth around, there is a need to stop performing those bad habits.

At the same, the brushing habit, which is a very important part of our daily routine, can turn out to be a habit that can damage your gums and teeth.
Below are the 11 Everyday Brushing habits that might cause damage to the gums and teeth. The ultimate guide for you to Unfollow 11 habits and improves your oral health to save your gums and teeth.

11 Every Day Brushing Habits

  1. Opting For Hard Brushing

Some things need to be done softly. In the same way, there is a need to brush with soft hands, as brushing with a hard attempt can irritate the gums and damage the teeth. There can be infections and scratches if too much pressure is created with the brush or if you perform it frequently.

Plaque is supposed to be loose and soft, making its removal easier than expected by a person. There can be difficulties in removing the plaque when it hardens to tartar. But a person will not get able to attain that tartar anyway because the hygienist or dentist can better do such things. Alongside, there come difficulties for plaque to take place when a person performs regular brushing and flossing. Apart from attempting to make hard attempts, it is better to gently massage parts of teeth like canines, molars, and bicuspids with soft hands and a soft brush.

2. Don’t Share Toothbrush With Anyone

Sometimes when a person gets unable to find a toothbrush of their own, he tries to perform his brushing by someone’s toothbrush, mainly with a partner. We must tell you that sharing a toothbrush with your partner or anyone else can be pretty gross. We don’t think about all such things very deeply, but involving your partner or spouse with your toothbrush can initiate a swing of germs for which the body isn’t organized.

There can be chances of getting sick more often because the flu can remain on the surface for several hours. Toothbrushes can also harbour problems like HPV, pneumonia, and sometimes even bloodborne pathogens. Bacteria that can bring cavities, called streptococcus mutans, can also be super infectious. A condition can happen where your partner doesn’t know if they are encouraging cavities that are putting your mouth at risk. If the person next to you doesn’t have the cleanest mouth, chances of getting dental hygiene can also happen to you.

3. Don’t Try To Opt For Expiry Dated Brush

Somehow for at least once in your life, you would have heard about changing the brush every three to four months. There has been a recommendation by the American Dental Association (ADA) to change the brush at the beginning of each season. The brushes build up germs over time, and the bristles get broken or disputed with enlarged use, especially talking about hard brushers. The teeth may also initiate to become discolored and look dirty. Older bristles aren’t able to clean the teeth as they should, eventually uplifting plaque with an accumulation of germs that can harm both teeth and gums. That’s why changing your brush within the ideal time is better.

4. Brushing Is Not About Performing Quickly

Sometimes when we get too late to go somewhere, we quickly brush our teeth and call it a morning. And why not? Attempting to brush quickly for 30 seconds sounds better than not brushing at all. If the same perspective also arises in your mind, we must tell you that thinking is totally wrong. A tooth requires gentle brushing for at least two minutes. Quickly brushing for a formality can’t help the teeth. If you go for brushing quickly, many things leave behind the mouth, like plaque, germs and food, which can destroy the mouth.

Fluoride is supposed to be a well-wisher of the teeth. One must provide time for fluoride to work its magic in the teeth. More than half a minute is required to improve the enamel. If brushing seems boring, you can indulge in another work and keep moving the brush into the mouth for some time. That will particularly help.

5. Avoid Brushing Right After Meal

If maintaining oral care is one of your top priorities, and you execute brushing after every meal, it supposes to be a good activity, but do you have any idea that it might be causing more harm than good? Though it is recommended for a person to brush after a meal, brushing just after a meal can be counterproductive. When a person eats, acidity from the food remains in his mouth when completed. If he wishes to perform a harsh brush just after a meal, he is providing a chance for those acids to access better sensitive parts of the tooth. Such practices can contribute towards enamel erosion and can lead to more sensitive teeth in the upcoming time.

To save yourself from such acids from wearing down the teeth, keeping a distance of 15 to 20 minutes between meals and brushing is better. This activity will allow saliva in neutralizing and break down the acids in the mouth before they do their work into the fine lines on the teeth. If you can’t wait even that long, try rinse the mouth properly before brushing. It will assist in driving out some of the acids before brushing.

6. Don’t Ignore The Gums

It is thinking of many people whose gums get cleaned when we brush their teeth. And why not, they are attached to them. Brushing the gums with the help of ultra-soft bristles can be a good alternative for a person. It will be a good move for brushing their teeth with pressure and using PeriClean ultra-soft rubber bristles. These bristles will allow teeth to get the cleaning they require and not damage tooth enamel or gums.

7. Involve Cleaning Of The Tongue

Remember that not brushing your tongue with your teeth is advantageous. It can be helpful in preventing bad breath or any remaining bacteria in the mouth. The brush bristles must perform a decent job of loosening potentially harmful bacteria. One can rinse with mouthwash after completing the brushing for added germ expulsion.

8. Go For Soft Bristles

Don’t try to opt for medium or hard-bristled toothbrushes. Instead, try to go for soft-bristled that can bend more easily. It makes them great for the gum line. They wouldn’t damage the teeth as they are less harsh than hard-bristled toothbrushes. People with sensitive teeth or weakened enamel can proceed towards soft-bristle toothbrushes instead of hard-bristled toothbrushes. Soft-bristle toothbrushes can contribute to receding the gum line and weakening the enamel. That’s why it is better to advance for soft-bristled toothbrushes than harder ones.

9. You’re Opting for A Wrong Toothbrush Altogether

As mentioned above, soft-bristled toothbrushes are best instead of medium or hard-bristled toothbrushes. They can provide an intensely uncomfortable brushing experience. In this modern era, electric toothbrushes have been introduced. They can be considered a good option for people with tougher gums. They can also be considered those who struggle to move their arms to execute the right brushing techniques. Though electric toothbrushes combined with vibrating or rotating heads. They can still harm people with weakened enamel or sensitive gum lines.

Even if you choose an electric brush or any other type of toothbrush, it is important to keep in mind the pros and cons of each one. If there is a thought to go for manual toothbrushes, various options are there to help in discontinuing the recession of the gum line and ensuring the healthiest mouth. Companies like Periclean avoid using ruthless nylon brushes; instead, they go for ultra-soft, non-latex rubber bristles that are helpful in preventing further damage while still maintaining a fresh and clean mouth.

10. Make A Proper Place For Your Toothbrush

Placing your brush somewhere, like leaving it on the counter, putting it in the holder, or storing it in a travel container, can prompt the build-up of germs and shape on the toothbrush. Try to avoid keeping toothbrushes in an upright position in the open air. This allows bristles to get dry before opting it for the next time. Also, don’t try to leave it on the counter where the liquid puddles around the brush. You must avoid storing it in a travel container or other enclosed space. Utilizing a storage container will lock in the moisture from the brush, causing different types of fungi and germs to produce in the enclosed or damp environment.

You can pursue a simple toothbrush holder to store the brush. If the holder is sharing different types of toothbrushes, try to make sure that your brush contains separate holes to restrict the bristles in touch each other. To avoid some extra bacteria on your brush, try to keep it away from the toilet. And why not? Toothbrushes are implemented every day in our mouths.

11. Try To Change Up The Routine

It has been said that running the same track every day is helpful. It makes one half of the body stronger than the other. To battle this, one must try to run in the opposite direction, or changing up the run altogether will be better.

Talking about the teeth, when a person brushes them in the same way, only the same old spots will be cleaned. It will be helpful for those parts, but the neglected locations will get a bright chance to accumulate more bacteria slowly. That’s why it is better to experiment with your brushing habits and track the progress of your mouth.

If you’re not completely aware of good brushing habits, they can harm your teeth and gums. Don’t let that happen, and try to make implementations in your brushing habits. Different ways are there to maintain good oral hygiene. If someone is still unable to do that, try to consult your doctor or dentist for further help.


A basic habit that is changing the routine, changing hard toothbrushes to soft Bristles, and Avoiding brushing immediately after a meal could be a good move to save your gums and teeth.

It’s your turn now:

I hope you have learned from the ultimate guide and going to apply

Now it’s your turn: which habit causing the problem to your gums and teeth? Are you going to leave any habit?

If yes, which one is in your priority to leave?

Let me know by leaving a quick comment and sharing your email to get updated on new oral health topics.


Contact Details

ELITE DENTAL GROUP, 1249 W. Glenoaks Blvd Glendale, CA 91201

(818) 649-1772

Post Address: 1249 W. Glenoaks Blvd Glendale, CA 91201

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday:      8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Saturday:                 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sunday:                    Closed

Contact Details

ELITE DENTAL GROUP, 1249 W. Glenoaks Blvd Glendale, CA 91201

(818) 649-1772

Post Address: 1249 W. Glenoaks Blvd Glendale, CA 91201

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday:      8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Saturday:                 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sunday:                    Closed