The Best Food for Healthy Teeth

If you are what you eat, your teeth and gums are no expectation. By eating starchy or sugary foods, you are just justifying your craving, but also fulfilling the need for bacteria which can lead to dental problems. According to the American Dental Association, when your diet is less ideal, this is the first step to oral health issues. So, the important question is, what is the best food for healthy teeth?

This article is your answer. So, let’s find out the food that works best for your teeth and the worst one that can damage your oral health. 

#. Good Guys

Dairy products: cheese, yogurt, milk 

If your love for cheese is unpredictable then there is one more reason to enjoy your food. As per the National Health Portal published report, cheese helps balance the pH balance of the mouth which protects the mouth from tooth decay. It is rich in calcium, mineral, and phosphate which strengthen the tooth enamel and help in rebuilding the lost mineral from teeth. 

Moreover, yogurt and milk are rich in antibiotics, rich in calcium, and proteins, reducing the risk of cavities, and gum disease, and strengthening the teeth and bone. But make sure to add no added sugar yogurt or homemade one for more benefits. 

Fruits and vegetables:  

According to Harvard University, fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and water which help balance the sugar and clean the teeth. It also helps in stimulating saliva, washes away the acids and food from teeth, neutralizes the acid, and protects from decay problems. 

You can add apples, carrots, beans, spinach, leafy greens, broccoli, kiwi, garlic, and oranges. Fruits have natural sweetness (fructose), stimulating saliva flow and washing away the acid from teeth. Additionally, greens are packed with vitamins, antibiotics, and minerals, that reduce inflammation and support gum health. 

Seeds and Nuts:

We all know how much calcium and magnesium are important for strong bones and teeth. Rather than fulfilling cravings from unhealthy snacks, it is better to add nuts, seeds, and almonds to your diet. These are good sources of protein, and calcium and are low sources of sugar. 

These are healthy fats and also work as a natural toothbrush. This might sound funny, but buts and seeds work as a scrub for teeth which helps to remove plaque and unnecessary food particles from teeth. Incorporating these in the diet helps to nurture teeth and overall health. 

Green and black teas

Who doesn’t like beverages, if it is turning your oral health towards issues, then you should stop drinking it. Rather than drinking sugar-contained beverages, it is better to add green and black teas to your diet. Both contain fluoride which wards off tooth decay, and have micronutrients, and polyphenols, which help reduce the chances of gum disease and inflammation. 

Fatty fish

Vitamin D is an essential source for every system of the body, and fatty fish help to fulfill this need. It is rich in Vitamin D, omega-3, vitamin A, and K2 which strengthens the enamel, and reduces the symptoms of periodontitis, bleeding gums, and inflammation. 

#. Bad Guys 

Now you know the best food for your teeth, it’s time to know the worst one also. There are certain food items that are not good for your health and teeth. Let’s check it out. 

Crackers, sticky candies and sweets

Whether it is candies, cookies, or chips, all of them are dangerous for the body and oral health. Once it enters your mouth, its breakdown within a second it excretes acid into teeth and becomes a portion of food for bacteria, leading to plaque buildup and tooth decay. 

Carbonated drinks

There are several studies that indicated that, carbonated drinks disturb the pH balance of the mouth, make it dry, and increase the chances of the development of bacteria. Even, high consumption is as bad as methamphetamine and cocaine. 

Sour candies

It is not surprising to know that sour candies are not good for teeth and mouth, as they contain several acids that are tougher for teeth and tongue. Plus, these are chewy and sticky which can stuck in your mouth for hours and attract bacteria to attack your mouth. 


These are the worst ones for your mouth, as they disbalance the pH level and disturb the saliva flow. This increases the chances of gum disease and tooth decay. 

How to ensure oral health?

It is important to maintain a healthy oral hygiene, so make sure to stay away from the bad food items. Here are some of the tips-

  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Avoid drinking too much of sugary beverages
  • Limit crackers and snacks
  • Stay hydrated
  • Avoid smoking and drinking
  • Use fluoride-based mouthwash
  • Floss once in a day
  • Visit dentist regularly 


Keeping your dental health clean and healthy needs consistency and commitment. Sometimes we think, brushing is enough to maintain oral health, but what you eat and drink has a direct impact. There is a saying, “Our mouth is a door to disease”. So start adopting healthy habits before it’s too late. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and dairy products are great ways to make your smile healthy and happy. If you are still in doubt, it is better to consult with a specialist like Elite Dental Group. Contact today


Contact Details

ELITE DENTAL GROUP, 1249 W. Glenoaks Blvd Glendale, CA 91201

(818) 649-1772

Post Address: 1249 W. Glenoaks Blvd Glendale, CA 91201

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday:      8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Saturday:                 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sunday:                    Closed

Contact Details

ELITE DENTAL GROUP, 1249 W. Glenoaks Blvd Glendale, CA 91201

(818) 649-1772

Post Address: 1249 W. Glenoaks Blvd Glendale, CA 91201

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday:      8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Saturday:                 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sunday:                    Closed