Top 20 Celebrities Using Invisalign and Why You Should Too

Top 20 Celebrities Using Invisalign and Why You Should Too

For many people, braces seem like the most convenient way to improve their teeth, but Invisalign might surprise you with its results. These are not just for kids; adults can also choose them for a beautiful smile. You may not even realize which of your favorite...
Dental Treatment to Improve Your Smile

Dental Treatment to Improve Your Smile

More than 57% of the U.S. population aged 25 to 44 feel insecure about their smile, and 61% wish to change the appearance of their teeth. It’s time to let them know that they can. Modern and advanced dentistry offers numerous options to enhance and improve the smiles...
Top 5 Things to Do to Keep Your Oral Health Perfect

Top 5 Things to Do to Keep Your Oral Health Perfect

Why is Oral Health Important? According to WHO research, oral disease is one of the most widespread noncommunicable diseases. To date, 45% of the global population has faced dental problems, from early life to old age. This highlights the need for ensuring dental...
What is Orthodontic Retention?

What is Orthodontic Retention?

Finally, you are free from braces and have your beautiful, dazzling smile. But wait a minute—your orthodontic journey isn’t over just yet. While you might be done with metal braces, you now need to wear a retainer to stabilize and preserve your results. Over 4 million...
Fractured / Cracked Tooth: Symptoms, Warning Signs, and Treatment

Fractured / Cracked Tooth: Symptoms, Warning Signs, and Treatment

What Causes a Cracked/Fractured Tooth? A cracked or fractured tooth occurs when something causes damage that results in a break in any part of the tooth. The crack might be small enough that it doesn’t bother you at all. But sometimes, it can be large enough to cause...